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20 Hilarious White Lies Parents Tell Their Kids to Keep Life Simple

Parenting comes with its fair share of challenges, and sometimes, parents need to get a little creative to keep things running smoothly. Innocent white lies often come in handy when trying to navigate everyday situations with kids.

These funny fibs are usually harmless and offer quick solutions to avoid meltdowns, endless questions, or sticky situations. Here are 20 funny white lies parents tell their kids to make life a little easier.

“If you keep making that face, it’ll get stuck like that.”

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This classic lie has been used by generations of parents. It’s a quick way to get kids to stop making weird faces.

While entirely false, it works wonders for preventing permanent funny expressions!

“The toy store is closed today.”

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When you want to avoid yet another toy-shopping adventure, this white lie does the trick. It saves you from the inevitable tantrum that comes with saying “no” to new toys.

Plus, kids rarely question the idea of a closed store.

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“We’re almost there!”

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Parents love this one during long car rides. Even if you’re still 30 minutes away, telling your kids you’re almost there can quiet the backseat whining.

It buys you some time, even if you’re not exactly being truthful.

“The ice cream truck only plays music when it’s out of ice cream.”

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A lifesaver for parents trying to avoid yet another ice cream run. When the music blares, you calmly explain that the truck is empty.

Kids believe it, and you get a break from the sugar rush.

“If you swallow gum, it’ll stay in your stomach for seven years.”

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A time-honored way to prevent kids from swallowing gum. Although it’s not true, this lie sticks around to keep kids from gulping down their gum.

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“Santa is always watching.”

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This one’s not just for Christmas! Parents use the Santa lie year-round to keep behavior in check.

Kids are quick to straighten up when they think Santa’s watching.

“Eating carrots will help you see in the dark.”

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A clever way to get kids to eat their vegetables. While carrots do have benefits for eye health, they won’t turn you into a superhero with night vision.

“We have to leave the park because it’s going to close soon.”

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When it’s time to go but your kids are still having a blast, this little lie helps. Blaming the park’s “closing time” avoids an argument about why it’s time to head home.

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“The TV will break if you watch too much of it.”

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A classic to limit screen time without a fight. Kids often believe that TVs have a mysterious limit, which helps cut down on endless hours of cartoons.

“There’s a sleep fairy who checks if you’re in bed on time.”

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This magical being is often introduced to make bedtime smoother. The idea of a sleep fairy rewards kids for being in bed on time with the promise of special treats or good dreams.

“If you don’t brush your teeth, they’ll fall out.”

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This is a bit of a stretch, but it definitely gets the point across. Kids quickly grab their toothbrushes, imagining their teeth falling out like Halloween candy.

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“I can tell when you’re lying because your nose wiggles.”

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This one plays on kids’ belief in parents’ superpowers. Kids will often check themselves when told their noses will wiggle when they lie, and it helps promote honesty.

“Your stuffed animals get sad when you don’t play with them.”

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A gentle nudge for kids to give attention to neglected toys. It’s a sweet lie that fosters empathy and gets kids to appreciate their plush friends more.

“There’s a monster under your bed that only comes out when you don’t pick up your toys.”

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An exaggerated way to get kids to clean up their rooms. The idea of a “mess monster” is usually enough to send kids into a tidying frenzy.

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“If you don’t finish your dinner, it’ll hurt the chef’s feelings.”

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This fib tugs at kids’ empathy to encourage them to finish their meals. No one wants to hurt the chef’s feelings, even if the chef is just mom or dad!

“The car won’t start if you’re not buckled up.”

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This trick works wonders for getting kids to buckle their seatbelts without a fuss. They’ll be extra eager to click in, believing the whole trip depends on it.

“Your fingers will turn green if you pick your nose.”

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A funny little fib to stop bad habits. The idea that nose-picking could lead to green fingers often convinces kids to stop the gross behavior.

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“The pool will turn blue if you pee in it.”

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This one keeps kids honest about pool-time bathroom breaks. Even though there’s no magic blue dye, the thought of being caught red-handed—well, blue-handed—works every time.

“There’s a candy fairy who collects leftover Halloween candy.”

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A great way to get rid of excess Halloween candy without the drama. Kids love the idea of a candy fairy, and you avoid sugar overload.

“When you grow up, you’ll understand everything I say.”

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The classic phrase that wraps up all the other white lies. It’s a way to explain the world without explaining too much.

Parents love this one because it always works, even if the answer is far off.

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