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Improve Your Posture Today With These 15 Beginner Pilates Moves

Pilates is a low-impact exercise method that’s perfect for building strength, flexibility, and body awareness. If you’re new to Pilates, focusing on your shoulders and posture can lead to noticeable benefits.

Strong shoulders support your daily activities, while good posture reduces discomfort and improves overall health. These 15 beginner Pilates moves are simple yet effective.

They’ll guide you toward stronger shoulders, better alignment, and a more confident stance, all while being gentle on your body.

Shoulder Rolls

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Sit or stand tall. Gently roll your shoulders forward, up, back, and down in a circular motion.

This move releases tension and warms up the shoulder joints.

Arm Circles

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Extend your arms to the sides at shoulder height. Make small, controlled circles forward, then backward.

This classic move builds shoulder stability and strengthens the muscles around the joint.

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Cat-Cow Stretch

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Start on all fours. Inhale, arch your back, and lift your chest (Cow Pose). Exhale, round your spine and tuck your chin (Cat Pose).

This move stretches your shoulders and promotes spinal mobility.

Shoulder Bridge

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Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat. Lift your hips as you press into your arms.

The shoulder bridge strengthens your back and shoulders while improving posture.

Wall Angels

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Stand with your back against a wall. Raise your arms into a “goalpost” position, then slowly slide them up and down.

This move helps align your shoulders and improves shoulder mobility.

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Start on your hands and toes, keeping your body straight. Engage your core and shoulders to hold the position.

Planks build overall strength and support shoulder stability.

Swan Prep

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Lie on your stomach, hands under your shoulders. Lift your chest slightly off the mat, keeping your neck long.

This move strengthens your upper back and improves posture.

Side-Lying Arm Lift

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Lie on one side, arm extended above your head. Lift your arm slightly, hold, then lower it. This exercise strengthens the shoulder while improving balance and coordination.

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Thread the Needle

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Start on all fours. Slide one arm under your torso, reaching to the opposite side.

This twist stretches the shoulders and opens the upper back.

Seated Spinal Twist

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Sit with your legs extended or crossed. Twist your torso to one side, placing one hand behind you and the other on your knee.

This move stretches the shoulders and improves spinal flexibility.

Scapular Push-Ups

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In a plank position, lower your chest slightly without bending your arms. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together.

This strengthens the shoulder girdle and supports good posture.

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Kneeling Arm Reach

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Kneel on all fours. Extend one arm forward, holding it steady.

This move strengthens your shoulders and improves balance. Alternate arms for even engagement.

Chest Opener Stretch

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Stand tall, clasp your hands behind your back, and lift them gently as you open your chest. This move counters slouching and stretches the front of your shoulders.

Resistance Band Pull-Apart

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Hold a resistance band in both hands at shoulder height. Pull the band apart, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

This strengthens the shoulders and improves posture.

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Hundred Prep

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Lie on your back, legs bent, arms by your sides. Lift your head and shoulders slightly off the mat, pulsing your arms up and down. This beginner Pilates staple engages your core and strengthens your shoulders.

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