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Is It Real? 16 Signs They’re Not Into You and Just Keeping You Around

Relationships can be confusing, especially when someone you like shows signs of interest but doesn’t fully commit. If you feel like you're constantly left guessing about where you stand, you may be dealing with someone who's simply leading you on.

These signs can range from mixed signals to inconsistent behavior, making it hard to know where you really stand. Here are 16 signs to help you figure out if they’re really into you or just keeping you around.

They Don’t Make Time for You

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If your partner is constantly too busy to spend time with you, but they make time for others, it’s a clear sign they might not be as invested in the relationship. Someone who truly cares about you will prioritize spending quality time together, even when life gets busy.

They Keep Things Vague

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When it comes to future plans, if they keep everything vague and avoid making concrete commitments, it's a red flag. A partner who's leading you on will avoid conversations about the future, leaving you wondering where you stand.

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They Don’t Initiate Contact

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If you’re always the one texting, calling, or making plans, it’s a sign they’re not as interested as you are. Genuine interest is often reflected in the effort someone makes to reach out and connect with you.

They Give Mixed Signals

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One minute they’re sweet and affectionate, and the next they seem distant or disinterested. If your partner’s behavior swings back and forth, they might be keeping their options open or avoiding getting too emotionally invested in you.

They Don’t Introduce You to Their Friends

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When someone is truly interested in you, they want to show you off to the people they care about. If they consistently avoid introducing you to their inner circle or seem embarrassed about you, it’s a sign they’re not serious.

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They Avoid Talking About Emotions

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If conversations about feelings or the depth of your relationship always seem to be deflected or brushed aside, they may not be interested in opening up to you emotionally. Emotional avoidance can indicate they’re not ready for something serious.

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They Act Like a Friend, Not a Partner

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If they treat you more like a close friend than a romantic partner, it can be a sign they're not romantically invested. A lack of romantic gestures or affection usually means they view you as a platonic companion rather than someone they want a future with.

They’re Always On Their Phone Around You

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When they’re constantly distracted by their phone, whether checking messages or scrolling through social media, it shows a lack of attention and respect for your time together. Someone who’s genuinely interested will be present and engaged when they’re with you.

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They Don’t Remember Important Details

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If your partner regularly forgets important things you’ve told them—like your favorite color, upcoming plans, or meaningful dates—it could be a sign they’re not paying close attention because they’re not that invested in you.

They Only Reach Out When It’s Convenient for Them

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If your partner only contacts you when it suits them—like when they're bored or need a favor—it shows a lack of genuine interest. Relationships should be a two-way street, where both people are equally engaged in making things work.

They Seem Uninterested in Your Life

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If they rarely ask about your day, how you're feeling, or your future goals, it shows they’re not concerned with your life beyond the superficial. A partner who genuinely cares will show curiosity about your thoughts and experiences.

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They Don’t Put in Effort on Special Occasions

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When important dates like birthdays, anniversaries, or even casual hangouts don’t get special attention from them, it suggests they aren’t that invested in showing you they care. A lack of effort on meaningful occasions often signals indifference.

They Only Compliment You on Your Appearance

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While compliments are always nice, if that’s the only form of validation they give you, they might be more focused on superficial aspects rather than truly valuing who you are. A serious partner will praise more than just your looks—they’ll appreciate your personality and actions too.

They Never Make Sacrifices

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In a real relationship, both people need to be willing to make sacrifices for the other. If your partner never compromises, whether it’s about plans, choices, or situations, it suggests they’re not willing to invest deeply in the relationship.

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They Keep Their Guard Up

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If they consistently avoid getting emotionally close, it could be because they’re protecting themselves from forming a deeper connection. Someone who isn’t into you will keep their walls high, never allowing you to get too close.

They Don’t Follow Through on Promises

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If they make promises or commitments but never follow through, it shows they don’t value the relationship enough to honor their word. Reliability is key in a relationship, and if they constantly let you down, it’s a sign they’re not fully invested.

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